Order our limited edition book bundle

Web Shield has been writing books since 2015. Get the complete "Fundamentals of Card-not-present Merchant Acceptance" series in one bundle:

  • Six classic underwriting guides: A Best Practice Guide for Underwriters, Investigation Strategy, Understanding High-Risk Business, Merchant Monitoring Best Practices, Deceptive Marketing Practices, and Understanding Anti-Money Laundering
  • One limited edition signed copy of Mission Compliance for the first orders (as long as stocks last)
All six books of the Fundamentals of Card-not-present Merchant Acceptance
The cover of the book Mission Compliance

Mission Compliance: Customer Due Diligence for Payment Professionals

plus shipping

The growth of eCommerce has always been shadowed by an equal growth in fraud threatening the payments ecosystem. Today's fraud schemes are complex and organised by professionals.

That means we, the people on the other side, the underwriters, risk analysts, and other payment professionals, need to be one step ahead.

In Mission Compliance, we intend to show you some often underappreciated ways of finding evidence for fraudulent merchant accounts using common website analysis tools. After giving you a primer on the persistent problem of transaction laundering, we offer guides on how to deal with 17 different MCCs, before showcasing some investigation techniques with the help of two real-life case studies.

The authors
A headshot of Andreas Stedry

Andreas Stedry

Managing Director

Web Shield's Managing Director coordinates a team of experts while still doing hands-on casework.

A headshot of Franz Reinhöfer

Franz Reinhöfer

Head of Underwriting

As Web Shield's Head of Underwriting, Franz is a specialist in identifying shady business practices.

The book

The book is being sold via a print-on-demand partner in Germany. Please allow for longer delivery times than for your usual book orders.

  • Paperback
  • 176 pages
  • ISBN 9783757860639
  • 41 infographics, screenshots and other images (19 in colour)

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