Web Shield blog
Fraudsters move fast - we help you to stay on top
Fighting fraud is in our DNA. Discover our fraud-focused articles and take a glimpse into what it takes to keep fraud at bay.
Fraud focus
Transaction Laundering Threats: Emerging Risks in 2024
Transaction laundering in the future has the potential to disguise illegal transactions as legitimate by using fake businesses, synthetic identities, and advanced technology.
Fraud focus
Transaction Laundering Threats: Emerging Risks in 2024
Transaction laundering in the future has the potential to disguise illegal transactions as legitimate by using fake businesses, synthetic identities, and advanced technology.
Fraud focus
Merchant Fraud Trends and Threats 2022/23
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to digital commerce and payment, but also the card-not-present and friendly fraud that comes with it.
Fraud focus
How to Optimise Your Anti-Money Laundering Approach
The conflict in the Ukraine has emphasised how financial institutions and gatekeepers can be used to launder dirty money. We look at how to devise a robust anti-money laundering approach in response.

Fraud focus
Fraud Trends 2021 into 2022
At the end of the year, we caught up with Web Shield CEO Alex Noton to look back on the main fraud trends to emerge during 2021 and the implications for fraud prevention and risk management in 2022.

Fraud focus
RiskConnect Virtual 2021: How to Follow the Money
RiskConnect Virtual panellists discussed the challenges of investigating wrongdoing in a dynamic digital environment.

Fraud focus
On the Trail of the Cyber Scammers
We caught up with Ken Gamble after his presentation at RiskConnect Virtual 2021 to find out more about the battle between good and evil in cyberspace.

Fraud focus
UK Companies as Money Launderer’s Getaway Vehicle of Choice
When it comes to setting up shell companies, UK limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are the top choices for money launderers. We explain why.

Fraud focus
Compliance During Coronavirus: Keep Calm and Carry On
Covid-19 has not fundamentally altered the predicate offenses for money laundering. Fraud is still fraud. Theft is still theft. Yet scam methodologies and money laundering typologies have changed.

Fraud focus
Trust as a Form of Risk: Knowing Who to Trust for Success
Trust is a form of risk: Cybercriminals have overcome the trust problem to cooperate and build an illicit shadow economy on a grand scale - what are the learnings for risk professionals?
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